House by the lake –

Reading with Knut Elstermann

Rolf Zöllner

Reading at the Kulturscheune Eibenhof

The renowned film journalist and radioeins presenter Knut Elstermann will read from his books “Im Gespräch mit – Knut Elstermann befragt ostdeutsche Stars” and “Kohlhaase”. In addition to Kohlhaase himself, his companions such as Renate Krößner and Adreas Dresen also have their say in his works. Elstermann offers exclusive insights into his artistic work over several decades through in-depth conversations with the famous screenwriter.

Knut Elstermann, born in East Berlin in 1960, studied journalism in Leipzig and worked as an editor for GDR media. After reunification, he became a freelance presenter and film journalist for MDR and RBB (radioeins) and is a member of the Academy of Performing Arts. His appearance promises to be an exciting journey through the history of East German film.

Every year, the FILM WITHOUT BORDERS festival awards the Wolfgang Kohlhaase Scholarship in honour of the influential screenwriter Wolfgang Kohlhaase, who died in 2022.

