House by the lake –


In a surreal world divided into main and secondary characters, characters with “film faults” are oppressed and marginalized. Their search for a solution leads them into the abysses of the cinematic world, to the outlawed film mistakes that have no place in history.

“The Ordinaries” is extraordinary in both idea and execution. A film by German director Sophie Linnenbaum about being a film, the tasks of the characters: creating film emotions.  Paula (Fine Sendel) is a budding main character. She studies at the institute’s school, is pretty good at cliffhangers and at panicked screaming. Now facing the test in great emotions, she vigorously practices the crucial pathetic monologue to her lost father.

We dive into the dream factory – or better: right into the proto-product of the dream factory, into the “film in itself” with “film characters in themselves” – so to speak into the platonic realm of the cinema idea itself. Linnenbaum’s fantastic film is her feature film debut and her graduation film at the university.

Followed by a film discussion with Im Anschluss Filmgespräch mit  L.Gray (Senior Principal Researcher bei Microsoft Research and Faculty Associate an der Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. Autorin von “How to stop Silicon Valley from Building an new underclass”)

  • Credits

    Kanada und Frankreich 2021

    Length: 88 min

    Director: Shannon Walsh

    Book: Shannon Walsh, Harold Crooks, Julien Goetz

    Camera: Etienne Roussy

    Version: Original mit deutschen UT